FAQ – Who are you, anyway?

So, hello! You know me, I’ve been sorta-kinda adding to this blog for years now, and it’s time I got more serious! I figure, if you don’t know me, I’d like to give you a short primer. This will be a page that I keep updated with new info as you get more inquisitive, but I find that I get asked a lot of the same questions when I’m out and about at art shows/craft fairs, so here they are in one short, sweet blurb. Enjoy!


How do you say your name?

Stay-juh, like Asia, or Anastasia (nix the Ana).

How long have you been doing this?

I’ve been drawing since I was really small, and have always wanted to illustrate children’s books. I went to college for fine art, dropped out, returned to get that degree, and since graduating (2009) have been working full time as an independent artist.

Where do you get your inspiration?

I try to create art that I want to see, that makes me feel. You can’t help but be influenced by your environment so I try to keep that rich with people and things I love. Short answer: people watching, children’s book illustration, directors: Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Amelie) and Wes Anderson (Moonrise Kingdom), visual artists: Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, Alfons Mucha, Egon Schiele, Aguste Rodin, Kiki Smith, Sam Weber, Yuko Shimizu, Jillian Tamaki, Jeffrey Brown, among others. Seeing the beautiful work that others are creating are equal parts humility and inspiration.

What media do you use?

Pencil, charcoal, sumi ink, Windsor and Newton inks and watercolor paint mostly. Sometimes I will create the initial drawing with pencil and ink, and color/texture it digitally. I am attached to cutting designs (flowers, insects) out of cotton quilting fabric, and then using them to collage over an existing drawing. Recently, I’ve been challenging myself to get into oil painting. I’ll let you know how that goes!

Do you do custom work?

Absolutely, yes. It is one of my favorite things.

Do you design tattoos?

I do this too.

What’s your ethnicity?

My Papa’s Japanese, Mama is mixed Scandinavian/English/French/Scotch-Irish mutt. I was born in Texas.

Can I visit your studio?

If you’re willing to drive to Seatac, WA – sure! I have coffee, tea, and might even make you cookies.


Well, that’s it for now! If you have a burning question you don’t see answered here, please ask, and I’ll do my best!

Read more in some past interviews here:



Consortium Gallery


Japan Cinema:


Sequential Tart (talking about the Virgin Project):


Character sheet: me!

I just realized it’s been nearly four years since I’ve done this exercise, originally in Ellen Foney’s Comics I class at Cornish. Overall the same, except for the name and slightly shorter hair, this is a portrait of me as of today!!

My drawing style hasn’t changed all that much since then; though I’ve done a lot more work since then in this medium. Here’s what I thought of myself at the tender age of 19: (!!)